
Friday, December 30, 2016

Exciting news for 2017

So, I know I am a really bad blogger at this point. Blogging is supposed to be fun and freeing and sometimes I am just forgetful. Like the rest of you I allow life to get in the way of things that I love. I put things on the back burner until a "better time" that never seems to happen. What I am vowing to do in 2017 is to blog more consistently. And to do this I am going to need your help. I would ideally like to post every week. That is 52 posts for 2017..eek! I want you to call me out if you are not seeing me post. I want to hear your ideas on new books to read. I would love to hear about new authors and genres.
I also have a little suprise up my sleeve for 2017 but I will tell you more about that in the weeks to come. In the meantime, what would you like to see more of: book reviews, new author spotlights, stories in general? I know that I have some followers out there, so I am asking for your input. I like to think that I am not just sending these words out into the void, but that you all read them and they bring a small bright spot into your day.
I have also been doing a little bit of cleaning out at the house and discovered that I have a huge amount of used paperback books that are wonderful stories, but I may not read again. I am thinking of doing some type of "Mystery Book" giveaways this year as well. I will likely start doing one a month, but if there is a lot of interest then I will add more as I go along. This will entail me picking a book and sending it to the winner "sight unseen". Then the winner can let me know via here or Facebook if they enjoyed the book. Sound fun?
Well I must close for now, but let me leave you with this...
The new year is upon us and no matter if you are a person who believes in resoluntions or not, you can never go wrong with resolving yourself to being a better person. This may mean smiling more, helping someone out more often, giving more of your time to yourself or your loved ones, or taking time to become a healthier you. Whatever the resolution, do not forget or lose sight of the feeling you had when you made it and take time to persue it all year long!
Happy New Year, and until next time...Happy Reading!

NEW BOOK!!! So excited to read this one!!!

We're so thrilled to announce that Cursed by the Fountain of Youth is now available!!! This has been a year in the making. With a blend of true history and legends, you'll be shocked and thrilled to see the history behind places we call home.

For centuries, countless adventurers have searched for the Fountain of Youth. Those who found it thought they would gain eternal life. Instead, they find themselves murdered by its guardians. There was, however, one, lone survivor—Fae Miller. As an infant, she not only survived the Fountain, she took its power.

Twenty-two years later, Fae is hiding in plain sight at a local college. She’s is determined to leave the past behind her and live a normal life. But for one dying man, the search for the Fountain of Youth continues, and he is leaving a trail of blood and mutilated bodies in his wake. Unfortunately, that trail leads directly to Fae. Her only hope is a young, new college professor, also known as Special Agent Nick Chase of the FBI. Nick is determined to do two things: keep Fae alive, and keep his relationship with his student professional. Both of these jobs prove difficult—especially when love and magic get involved.

For a Limited Time, You Can Get Your Copy for Only $3.99!!



About the Author:

Holly Kelly is a mom who writes books in her spare time: translation--she hides in the bathroom with her laptop and locks the door while the kids destroy the house and smear peanut butter on the walls. She was born in Utah but moved around a bit, living in Kansas, Texas, and Hawaii where she studied marine biology. She's now back in Utah--"happy valley". She's married to a wonderful husband, James, and they are currently raising 6 rambunctious children. Her interests are reading, writing (or course), martial arts, visual arts, creating Halloween props, and spending time with family.

Visit Holly at


The Mystery Behind the History:

St. Augustine, Florida is rich in history, murder, intrigue, and ghost stories—making it the perfect setting for this book. You might be interested to know that some of the most outrageous tales in this novel are actually based on true history—including the tale of Captain Abela and Dolores. The tragic end to their love story occurred over two hundred years ago in a secret room located in St. Augustine's Castillo de San Marcos—a castle-like fort built by the Spanish over three hundred years ago. Tourists are able to sign up for the St. Augustine Ghost Tour to learn more about the ill-fated lovers

The legend of the Fountain of Youth has long been tied with St. Augustine. And there is talk of a society that exists to protect the Fountain of Youth from discovery. No one knows if the society truly exists. If it does, it is cloaked in secrecy.